mercredi 19 décembre 2007

To our friends, residents with European Union nationality.

Our local elections in march 2008 are of paramount importance for the future of pays de Fayence. You still have time to enlist in the election rolls. The procedure is simple and swift. Just go to your mairie with your passport and a recent justification of residence eg. a telephone or electricity bill. The mairies are open everyday 0900-1200 and 1430-1630 as well as saturday morning. Closure days are monday 24th afternoon and Dec 31st afternoon.
See "managing growth in canton de Fayence"; a major issue in the elections.

Pays de Fayence: élections locales 2008: où en est-on ce 20 décembre 2007?

Intercommunalité: Scot du pays de Fayence; explications.

Pays de Fayence: élections municipales de mars 2008: où en est-on fin 2007?